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Creating Articles

Learn how to create and add media and assets to Articles

Updated over 5 months ago

Articles help gamemasters provide information to their players in an intuitive and easy-to-read format. This information can be related to the rules of the game being played or help with context regarding the story itself.

Article Information



Targeted Profiles

Creators & Gamemasters

Requires Alchemy Unlimited


In This Article

  • What are Articles?

  • Creating an Article

What are Articles?

Articles are a tool for gamemasters to organize different types of notes and lore needed to run a game. They can be customized to include markdown formatting and serve as a great resource for long-form content to access in Alchemy.

Below are several examples on how gamemasters can use articles.

  • Provide players with homebrew rules about the system they are playing.

  • Help gamemasters keep track of different topics and places of interest within the game's setting.

  • Guide gamemasters through running a pre-written adventure.

Articles can be accessed through the 'Article' tab when browsing the contents of the universe they are created in. Additionally, the direct URL link of an article can be copied by navigating to the article, selecting the overflow menu, and selecting the 'Copy Link' menu option. This will copy the URL of the article for sharing to other players.

Article Overflow Menu - Copy Link Option

Creating an Article

Articles can be created quickly in universes by gamemaster or creators to provide reference materials to their players, patrons, or themselves.

To create an article, navigate to the universe this article belongs to, click the 'Article' tab within the universe, and select the 'Create Article' button in the upper right hand corner.

Editing Universe - Articles Tab

Creating Articles Requires Universe Editor Privileges

Adding articles to a universe requires owner or editor permissions for the module within the universe they are being created in. To provide these permissions to another player, navigate to a universe and select the overflow menu hovering over the module's thumbnail. Select 'Edit' to bring up the module's edit modal and navigate to the 'Sharing' tab. A module's owner can share permissions of the module with anyone by their Alchemy username here.

Once selecting the button to create a new article, the screen will navigate to a new page where article contents can be created.

Initial View when Creating New Articles

The following areas of this page can be altered to reflect the contents of the new article.



Title Text

Edit the 'Untitled' text at the top of the screen with the name of the new article.

Subtitle Text

Edit the golden text beneath the title with subtitle information for the article.

Article Text

Edit the "The pen and paper never forget" text with your article's main contents. This section accepts markdown formatting to create tables, additional headers, and other formatting effects.

Articles also accept various other types of media to enhance the experience when reading them.




Upload a primary image to go with this article. This image will be displayed in the background of the article as it is being read as well as the article's thumbnail when viewing it in a universe.


An audio track can be uploaded to an article. When audio is uploaded in this way, it can be played while viewing an article through selecting the play button in the top right corner of the page or in the media section beneath the article.


Additional audio tracks can be uploaded and played from the play button in the media section beneath the article.


Attachments can be uploaded and referenced in the media section of an article. Once uploaded, attachments can be permissioned or referenced through accessing the submenu when selecting the menu icon.

Additional Attachment Features

Within an attachment's submenu, that attachment can either be toggled to Show or Hide. If an attachment is shown, it will appear in the Attachments section of the article for readers to download. It will not appear here when hidden.

An attachment's link can be copied using this same menu. This can be useful to provide a direct link of an attachment to players or to reference images or audio when using markdown.

The name of media and attachments can be changed even after the asset has been uploaded. Simply click on the name of the attachment or media when editing an article and start typing to change it. A blinking cursor may not show, but the name can still be edited.

When finished editing an article, select the overflow menu in the top right of the page and select 'Done' to lock the article edits in place. To edit this article in the future, you can navigate to the same menu and select the 'Edit' option.

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