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Creating Handouts

Creating and manipulating handouts

Updated over 5 months ago

Handouts provide gamemasters with a unique way to reveal information to their players during a game. Information revealed in this way can help advance a story or serve as a prop to present to players which they can easily reference in game.

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Creators & Gamemasters

In This Article

  • What are Handouts?

  • Creating Handouts

What are Handouts?

Handouts enable gamemasters to present players with additional information they can easily access within a game. They can prove to be a simple way to provide resources and references to players.

Below are several examples of how gamemasters can use handouts.

  • Creating a quest board players can pull up in a local tavern.

  • Revealing a letter the players received inviting them to a local festival.

  • Presenting a map of the world players can easily pull up to reference during a game.

Gamemasters can view handouts in their games through the Handouts Panel. This panel also enables them to create additional handouts ad-hoc as the story requires it. Players can view handouts shared with them by the gamemaster using the Handouts Panel when in the game as well.

Handouts Panel In-Game

Creating Handouts

Handouts can quickly and easily be created by gamemasters either in a game or in a universe. When handouts are created in a universe, they can be accessed in any game that has that universe (specifically that universe's module) enabled. Creating handouts in a game can be useful when a gamemaster either needs to create one quickly.

Creating a Handout

Gamemasters or creators can create handouts in one of two ways:

  • Within a game, a gamemaster can navigate to the Handouts Panel, Click the 'Add Handout' button, and then the 'Create Handout' button at the top.

  • When editing a universe, navigate to the Handouts tab and click the 'Create Handout' button.

When creating a handout, a modal will appear with several tabs. The first tab is the new handout's details tab.

Handout Creation Modal - Details Tab




Input a name for this new handout. This name will be viewed in the Handouts Panel and in the Handouts tab of a universe.


Enables uploading an image or video to provide a visual to the handout.


Enables panning and zooming the handout's visual. This is recommended for larger images and maps so they can be manipulated by players.


This allows a creator to append tags to a handout in order to assist with searching for it in the universe's Handout tab.

Once all of this information has been set, a creator can access the 'Content' tab in the modal to write in additional information regarding the handout. This can be contextual notes, information about what the player's characters might know about the subject of the handout, or any other relevant information for the players. This tab can be edited by the gamemaster at any point and does accept markdown.

Handout Creation Modal - Content Tab

Once all of the content has been added to the handout, the new handout can be saved by clicking the white floating action button beneath the modal.

Sharing a Handout

Once a handout has been created, it can then be accessed by a gamemaster in a game. When accessing a handout as a Gamemaster, that handout can be edited by selecting the handout in the 'Handouts' tab, clicking the 'View' button, and toggling the editor slider in the top left of the modal that appears. Once this is done, a new 'Sharing' tab appears in the modal.

Handout Creation Modal - Sharing Tab

This tab allows the gamemaster to choose which players to share a handout with by clicking the toggle slider within the tab. Once a handout is shared (or unshared) from a player and the gamemaster saves the change through clicking the floating action button beneath the modal, players in-game will be notified if their permissions with that particular handout have been modified.

Image of Notification

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